Shed the idea of who you think you ought to be.

If you made it here, I wonder if you’re connecting with any of these struggles?

  • Feeling overwhelmed?

  • Being constantly worried about a long checklist of "shoulds” in your life?

  • Having difficulty shutting your brain off?

  • Not being able to “slow down” without feelings guilty?

  • Feeling more successful at work than you do in your personal life?

  • Finding it hard to identify and communicate your wants and needs?

  • Doubting yourself and your relationships with others?

  • Holding yourself to an extremely high standard, then blaming yourself if you don’t achieve those high standards?

  • Pressure to succeed and do everything right?

  • Feeling ashamed for struggling or not being “perfect?”

  • Overthinking what happened in the day and running through scenarios on how you could have done something differently?

Hi there! I’m Lisa - a recovering anxious perfectionist & people pleaser

I’m dedicated to helping women like you embrace who you are and the unique direction you are going. This is my passion because I've been there and I get it.

Through my own personal growth, I've learned the value of myself and my own path. I've lived in different cities, healed from relationships ending, and faced the challenges of chronic illness. Through my own unconventional path and unique experiences, I've had the opportunity to learn about myself and others.

I want to help you do the same.

There are endless paths and ways to celebrate this life, but we all share similarities around what it is like to struggle as humans.

I consider it an honor and privilege to help you learn more about your own path, struggles and celebrations in the therapy space. I love being able to witness the strength, compassion and courage you are capable of on a daily basis.

The word around town…

  • The first time I encountered Lisa I immediately noticed her quick wit and humor on the very-real and very-relatable topics of millennial women anxieties. She will welcome all of your humanness and support you through it! I whole-heartedly recommend her.


  • I wholeheartedly recommend Lisa to anyone seeking support for their anxiety. She is personable, funny, and REAL; I love her genuineness. She is a great support on her clients' journeys.


  • You're awesome! I just wanted to give you a shout out for all the work you are doing. I deal with anxiety daily, and your advice is spot on! Thank you for sharing with all of us, and caring about helping others.



What it’s like to work with me

I strive to provide a therapy space that isn’t “weird” (but maybe a little awkward!) by creating a relaxed environment while leaning into my own authenticity and vulnerability to create a space of trust. I value maintaining accountability and direction towards your goals and identifying ways you may be limiting yourself.

During our time together, I will meet you where you are, explore challenges and successes and provide you with tangible tools to use outside of session in the real world.

Because I am relationship based, I will laugh at your jokes and be genuinely interested in the joys, successes, and messiness of your life. There may be moments of tears, there may be moments of and mis-steps, and there may be moments of magic - you know, the ones where you do it anyway even though you were scared. The ones where you make a connection from the past and say, “that makes sense!” Those are the moments that will make it all worth it.




Continuing to seek my own self-awareness and bringing genuine and authentic interactions with you during our time together.

🌈 I welcome all and am affirming of those in the LGTBQIA+ community. 🌈


You are an expert on yourself and I respect your ability to follow your intuition about what you need and your right to make your own choices.


Laughter and humor is always welcome in both the joyful moments and the moments that are challenging and uncomfortable. I love to laugh!


I strive to look at situations, thoughts, feelings and behaviors with curiosity rather than judgment. Let’s sit in it for a second and search for meaning and messages.



I’m committed to ongoing education & training to best support your needs.

    • Texas Licensed Clinical Social Worker, #54366

    • Master of Science in Clinical Social Work, The University of Texas at Austin, 2009

    • Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Sciences, Oklahoma State University, 2007

    • Cognitive Behavior Institute - Exposure and Response Therapy for OCD, 4-Day Intensive

    • EMDR Consulting - EMDR Basic Training, 5-day Intensive

    • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Learning Collaborative and Consultation Group with Kelly Wilson, LCSW

    • Developmentally Appropriate Ways of Using EMDR Therapy with Children and Adolescents with Ana Gomez, 3-day intensive

    • Impact of Childhood Trauma with Eliana Gil

    • Unlearning Racism and Promoting Social Justice Among Therapists

    • Telehealth for Mental Health Professionals

    • Intuitive Eating

The fun stuff


In addition to the above, I’m also a highly sensitive introvert, a free spirit at heart, the lover of a good time, and a little scrappy. I’m the mom to two fat, orange tabby cats, a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, and partner. I enjoy doing “old lady” things like gardening, going for walks, reading, and quilting but also love things that might make me “hip” like riding my bike, listening to podcasts, dancing in my kitchen (hip, right?), and sneakers. I love vegetables (really!) but also find lots of space in my life for queso and Little Debbie’s. I find cheap thrills in walking through thrift stores and adding to my collection of books, flower pictures, kitschy figurines, funky coffee mugs, vintage Pyrex and also adding to my collection of tattoos. I’m constantly trying new things, working on a project, or daydreaming about learning how to play the steel guitar.